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Our Vision For Lexique Avenue

"To distribute unique and inspiring apparel for individuals that have felt hindered by their relentless hardships."
We believe that everyone’s AVENUE is unique and beautiful in its own way and when that AVENUE is pursued to the fullest, greatness is the ultimate result. When you put on Lexique Avenue’s apparel we hope that it serves as a constant reminder that greatness and success is right around the corner for you. A constant reminder to pursue your AVENUE to the best of your ability.
When someone says you can’t achieve something, keep walking down your own AVENUE. Get a little bit of motion, and start RUNNING down that AVENUE. Aspire to be great. Lock in. Work Hard. Thank you for supporting Lexique Avenue’s way of life, and we’ll see you out there!

The Story Behind Lexique Avenue

Meet Lex! The owner and CEO of Lexique Avenue The brand.

 Growing up Lex saw and experienced A  LOT at a young age. While constantly moving from place to place, living with various family members, and changing schools often, she was unable to feel stable for much of her life. The relentless hardships that came along with the constant changes had been very overwhelming for her. Lex grew up quickly and had to figure out a lot on her own as she continued to move
around and be exposed to certain things. As she got older, she had a very negative outlook on her life and wasn’t doing a lot to change things for herself. Despite this, she did her best to thrive and push forward through her struggles. She had a good head on her shoulders, people often told her that. She got through school and had worked a job since she was 16. But Lex was always capable of more than just the basics, she just hadn’t stepped out of the dark place she was in. She went along with whatever was going on at
that time in her life, and this led her down the wrong AVENUE many times.  As Lex struggled through her studies during her high school years, she knew that eventually things needed to change. After graduating she continued to work but she was still just going with the flow of life. Nothing was changing for her, yet. In 2021 Lex found out that she was soon to be a mother. This
woke up the drive and hustle in her instantly. She wanted to be a great example for her child and change her outlook on her life for good. Becoming a mom woke something up in Lex. She hustled harder than she ever had before, she worked on her mindset on life all throughout her pregnancy and strived to be a better person overall. But this was just the beginning, and the struggles weren’t over for Lex. In 2022 she found out that she was pregnant again with her
SECOND child. Her second pregnancy was a lot different than her first, and Lex was about to return to the dark place that she once had pulled herself out of. Early in the pregnancy Lex hit a rough patch. She was depressed, unmotivated, and lost. Once again, her negative outlook on life was back and every day was a mental struggle for her. But there was a little voice that Lex kept hearing. That voice was telling her to pick herself up, that she had come too far to give up now, to get up and do what she had always longed to do, get up  … and start a business. Throughout her life Lex always wanted to be involved with business as she had watched family members around her strive towards being entrepreneurs.
But for many years Lex wasn’t making the right decisions to go down the AVENUE of being a business owner. She didn’t even want to get out of bed most days. This rough patch was about to be the jumpstart to Lex’s dream of being a business owner and a jumpstart to what is now known as LEXIQUE AVENUE.

One day, Lex FINALLY decided to listen to that voice in her head. She picked herself up and got to work. Lex created a 7-step plan to start a clothing business, and from there the wheels started turning. All throughout her second pregnancy she put hard work and dedication into what is now known as LEXIQUE AVENUE. Completing one step after the other. She started investing in herself and in her business and she never looked back after that day. Today,
she takes pride in how far she has come to get here. She brought herself out of a very dark place and was able to create something bigger than herself. Once again, she was able to see the positive side to life and realize that she is worth more than where she came from and what she had been through. She wants to inspire people around her and push the message that “no matter how many times you chose the wrong AVENUE, the chance to choose the right AVENUE will always be there for you. You have to wake up and make the choice to start walking down the right AVENUE that’s destined for you. And anyone can wake up and make that choice, TODAY.


“I’ve dealt with a lot of tough times in my life. I didn’t always make the choice to overcome those tough times and work on bettering myself when I should have. Making the choice to go down that new AVENUE when I knew I was going to become a mom CHANGED MY LIFE. That’s when I really started building up that resilience and started to shift my outlook on my life. That rough patch after the fact, was a reminder that I’ve come so far. No matter what goes on in my life I can overcome it with positivity, hard work, and dedication to myself and the people around me. I want to thank everyone who supports me on this AVENUE of building my brand. I hope that I can continue to share my story throughout this experience of becoming a business owner. I hope it inspires others to follow their AVENUE as well because everyone’s AVENUE is UNIQUE, and it takes a lot of strength and commitment to follow the AVENUE that’s destined for you.”